martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014


Here we are again. Are you ready for a timetable, taking notes, exams and such stuff?  You'll be ready soon.

Anyway, don't be scared of English!! Enjoy while learning.

lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

Halloween is coming...!

Do you enjoy creepy stories, wearing costumes? Click on the picture to get to a link from British Council where you can learn to cook party snacks for a Halloween day.

Enjoy the song below! This is a famous song for American people at Halloween time.

domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013

Proyecto Multilateral Comenius 2013-15


Flag Clipart         Flag Clipart       Free Clipart        

Estamos de enhorabuena porque ha sido aprobado para nuestro centro un nuevo Proyecto Multilateral Comenius: "Sciences and Arts: Improving the link" para los cursos 2013-14, 2014-2015.

Here you have the flags of the European countries involved in the project: France, Germany, Finnland, Italy, Czech-Republic and Spain.

Your English command of the language can improve as part of the Bilingual Programme of our school. Also we are going to learn a lot about the role of sciences and arts in the educational systems of other countries. Are artists so emotional that they never think in terms of scientists? That's the question.

Think about it and also tell who of you are interested in travelling and lodging students from these countries. We will be receiving at least 20 students from these countries in May. First, Antonia Montes and I (Carmen Castro) will share our first Comenius experience in Czech- Republic in November. Later, we will be travelling to Italy in February.
Are you ready guys?

martes, 8 de enero de 2013

Trinity college examinations at school

Hello and happy new Year 2013!! Have you ever heard of the Integrated Skills in English (ISE) and its correspondence with the levels of competence in this language of the CEFR(Common European Framework of Reference)? I'm sure you have. You can see pictures of the students who passed the examinations last year in the blog.
 Some of our students have already applied for the examinations Trinity College offers in our school. Last year eleven of them applied and passed  the ISE I exams corresponding to the B1 successfully, the first stage of the independent User level of the CEFR . You can also apply for the second stage if you feel are good enough for that ISE II. You have time to prepare for these exams that will be evaluated by May and June.

The examinations for ISE I ( B1 level of the CEFR) and ISE II ( B2 level of the CEFR) consist of three parts:

Here you are the percentages for each component of ISE I and ISE II:

Ask your teacher of English if you are interested in them and she/he will give you more information and help.

These are the Portfolio taks for 2013.

2013 Portfolio Tasks (ISE 0 - IV) Here you have a document the examiners use for your Controlled Written exam. ISE Controlled Written Performance Descriptors 2011 (1)

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

Advent time. El adviento anuncia la Navidad

In English speaking countries and in other countries with different languages Advent time is broadly celebrated. Countdown to Christmas started last 1st December . Click here to know about the celebration in USA.

If you want to learn more about this celebration in different countries click on the link and then on each day . You are going to know lots of new things.

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

Movilidad alumnado Comenius: Convocatoria MAC


 El pasado 13 de noviembre se publicó la Resolución de la Dirección General de Innovación Educativa y Formación del Profesorado por la que se hace pública la Convocatoria de Programas Europeos de Educación 2013: Movilidad del Alumnado Comenius.

        Se trata de una propuesta que permite la movilidad de alumnado de secundaria  que os permite desarrollar una estancia de tres a diez meses en un centro educativo y en una familia de acogida en el extranjero. La convocatoria es para el curso próximo 2013/14 sin embargo el fin del período de solicitud es muy cercano, el 3 de diciembre de 2012.Me temo que hay muy poco tiempo para actuar al respecto pero...

       Por si es de vuestro interés y para que también vuestros padres/madres tengan acceso a la información éste es el enlace del Organismo Autónomo de Programas Educativos Europeos (OAEEP) que incluye una guía muy completa con todas las posibles preguntas que nos pueden interesar al respecto que se puede descargar en el ordenador.

       If you are interested in applying for this, talk to your class teacher or address directly to Mª Carmen Castro (coordinadora bilingüe). It's me, I'm writing this post and I'll try to help you.

miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

European Day of languages.

Hoy día 26 de septiembre se celebra en el mundo el día europeo de las lenguas. En el siguiente enlace puedes responder preguntas que aún no conoces sobre el número de lenguas que se hablan y muchas cosas más.

Ahora juega en inglés y/o francés.